frequently asked questions



what is this website about?


this is a website of, by, for SJC74, primarily boys (now old dudes) who were in SJC f.5, in 1974.

the purpose to assist and facilitate communication between old classmates to strengthen friendship and support.

the home page is a portal to direct people to the various components of the website.


is this associated with the SJCOBA?


we support the SJCOBA but we are independent of them.  they are not responsible for any content herein.

SJCOBA has their own web site


what is some recent history on this group?


with the internet and social media like facebook and whatsapp becoming popular in recent years, it facilitated bounty hunters miguel rocha, jacky ng and patrick siu to track down old classmates all around the globe.  getting together for a dinner or two is one thing, being able to connect virtually on a regular basis with a smart phone is priceless.


how do i reach out to any particular classmate?   once a classmate is in our system, we would assign that person an email alias that would direct any email to their personal email account, whatever that is.  so there is no need to 'remember' people's email addresses.  for example:


(for those with christian names)

johnny chan =


(for those without)

張小明 (or cheung siu ming) =

you will be assigned an alias once you are in the system so it will be easy for people to email you too.

the email alias is explained better here


what are some channels for me to stay in touch?


if you are reading this you are already halfway there.  these are the many ways you can stay in touch, regardless of where you are physically in the world:

1| facebook.  let us know if you have a fb account and we will add you.

2| whatsapp.  let us know what your phone number is and we will add you to our buddies group, please be aware that it is a very active chat group with lots of mo liu stuff so join at your own risk, and make sure you mute the notification when you need some privacy.

3|  this web site.  participate in the discussion forum so we know what you are up to.

4| email distribution list.  we maintain a email maillist we keep everyone informed with broadcast emails.  send an email to postsjc(at) and everyone will get it.


where do i have to log in?  

because this web site consists of different "modules" and the modules are not interrelated, you may have to log in separately for each module



log on req?


home page/basic site



classmate pictures no  
videos no  
calendar no  
discussion forum yes

log on with firstname.lastname

e.g. john.chan

in case you forgot your password, to retrieve your password the email to use is your email address

sjc wikipedia


cloud no  


who maintain this web site?


a number of us maintain this web site with contents contributed by everyone, please contact
















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